Rome, 17-20 September 2025
The next biennial conference of Walter Benjamin scholars will be held in Rome, 17-20 September 2025, organised by the Associazione Italiana Walter Benjamin ( The occasion is offered by the book’s centenary on the Trauerspiel, marked by Benjamin’s stay in Capri and his Marxist turn, thanks to his acquaintance with Asja Lacis. The conference – as well as naturally devoting itself to all aspects of Benjamin’s thought – intends to explicitly thematise the presence of the Mediterranean south (and more generally of the many philosophical ‘souths’) in Benjamin’s thought and constellations.
Interested parties should send an abstract in English of a maximum of 200 words, with a title and a brief bio-bibliographical note, indicating which panel they would like to apply for (see below). Please also include in which language you intend to present at the conference (English, German, Italian). The individual sections will then decide on the composition of different panels. Please send all application material and any inquiries to:
The planned timetable is as follows:
– 15 February 2025: submission of proposals
– mid March 2025: feedback on proposal acceptance
– April 2025: release of the full program